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Digital Signing

Digital signing with uncompromised security

The use of digital signatures is a growing business critical behaviour. MobilityGuard meets your need for a faster and more secure authentication that cannot be compromised.

Our solution SignGate is trusted by governments, as well as businesses relating to contracts, regulatory filings, bankings, e-commerce in and numerous other applications where a verifiable signature is required. You also reduce costs and save money because of the quick integration of our API.


Need to speed up your business processes

Need for trusted solution for electronic signatures that prevents forgery

Complex and expensive integrations to your systems

MobilityGuard’s solutions

Trusted and secure solution

Signing is done with Swedish eID, BankID and Telia

Save time and money

User friendly

Handle all client communication during the signing process

Facilitating your business processes

Prevent forgery of critical messages and documents

Simple to implement in

Web applications that need e-signing

Flexible use: for systems on the Internet or systems in your network, accessible through MobilityGuard.

A secure way to authenticate a signature

The world of business demands an optimized efficiency, which we deliver by digital signing with uncompromised security, and by protecting the privacy of your organization and your users.

With digital signing service from MobilityGuard you get a user friendly and secure solution when your business require an e-signature of strong nature. One of the advantages with our product SignGate is that it´s simple to implement in web applications that need e-signing. Another advantage is that the web application let the signing function handle all client communication during the signing process. Two advantages that saves you time and money . The Swedish Board of Agriculture and Swedish Forest Agency are examples of customers who currently use SignGate to allow their own staff as well as external customers to sign documents. For communication to issuers, OSIF or GRP protocol can be used and SignGate also uses the SOAP protocol.

Digital signing is a part of our secure gateway
MobilityGuard builds a gateway that allows authorized users to securely access all types of sensitive internal systems and information, irrespective of time and place. A gateway that prevents hostile code from reaching your network.

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